Historical Restorations

Chatham County Courthouse

Chatham County Courthouse

Pittsboro, NC



Chatham County
Pittsboro, NC


Hobbs Architects, PA
Pittsboro, NC

Project Details

  • Chatham County Courthouse has long been the icon for Pittsboro, NC as many feel the community lies around the traffic circle surrounding this building. The courthouse, sometimes called the center of the town, was built in 1881 and is listed on the National Historic Registry.

  • While undergoing major exterior renovations in 2010, a fire severely damaged the building. What didn't burn or collapse was extensively damaged from smoke and water. Prebid photos below show a sampling of the extensive damage to this building.

  • H.M. Kern Corporation has the honor of being selected to restore this building and make it a showplace for Pittsboro to treasure!